LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - gcc/fortran - (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 99.7 % 335 334
Test Date: 2024-12-21 13:15:12 Functions: 95.0 % 20 19
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: - 0 0

Function Name Sort by function name Hit count Sort by function hit count
_Z18pushdecl_top_levelP9tree_node 20885
_Z23gfc_maybe_initialize_ehv 17392
_Z8getdeclsv 4250955
_Z8poplevelii 2112356
_Z8pushdeclP9tree_node 141519844
_Z9pushlevelv 2142799
_ZL10gfc_finishv 30426
_ZL11gfc_init_tsv 30444
_ZL16gfc_create_declsv 30428
_ZL17gfc_be_parse_filev 30428
_ZL17global_bindings_pv 191365
_ZL18gfc_define_builtinPKcP9tree_node17built_in_functionS0_i 17885042
_ZL20gfc_builtin_functionP9tree_node 134728146
_ZL21build_builtin_fntypesPP9tree_nodeS0_ 182568
_ZL21builtin_type_for_sizeib 0
_ZL24gfc_init_decl_processingv 30443
_ZL26gfc_init_builtin_functionsv 30428
_ZL29gfc_get_sarif_source_languagePKc 2
_ZL39gfc_handle_omp_declare_target_attributePP9tree_nodeS0_S0_iPb 1321
_ZL8gfc_initv 30443

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta

LCOV profile is generated on x86_64 machine using following configure options: configure --disable-bootstrap --enable-coverage=opt --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,go,jit,lto,rust,m2 --enable-host-shared. GCC test suite is run with the built compiler.