LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - gcc/rust/ast - rust-ast-fragment.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 1 1
Test Date: 2024-12-21 13:15:12 Functions: - 0 0
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: - 0 0

             Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :             : // Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
       2                 :             : 
       3                 :             : // This file is part of GCC.
       4                 :             : 
       5                 :             : // GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
       6                 :             : // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
       7                 :             : // Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
       8                 :             : // version.
       9                 :             : 
      10                 :             : // GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
      11                 :             : // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      12                 :             : // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
      13                 :             : // for more details.
      14                 :             : 
      15                 :             : // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      16                 :             : // along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
      17                 :             : // <>.
      18                 :             : 
      19                 :             : #ifndef RUST_AST_FRAGMENT_H
      20                 :             : #define RUST_AST_FRAGMENT_H
      21                 :             : 
      22                 :             : #include "rust-ast.h"
      23                 :             : #include "rust-system.h"
      24                 :             : 
      25                 :             : namespace Rust {
      26                 :             : namespace AST {
      27                 :             : 
      28                 :             : enum class FragmentKind
      29                 :             : {
      30                 :             :   /**
      31                 :             :    * A completely expanded AST Fragment. This signifies that all
      32                 :             :    * `SingleASTNode`s in the `nodes` vector are valid.
      33                 :             :    *
      34                 :             :    * Note that this doesn't imply that the expansion is "done". One of the
      35                 :             :    * expanded nodes could very well be another macro invocation
      36                 :             :    */
      37                 :             :   Complete,
      38                 :             :   /**
      39                 :             :    * An error fragment.
      40                 :             :    */
      41                 :             :   Error,
      42                 :             : };
      43                 :             : 
      44                 :             : /**
      45                 :             :  * An AST Fragment. Previously named `ASTFragment`.
      46                 :             :  *
      47                 :             :  * Basically, a "fragment" that can be incorporated into the AST, created as
      48                 :             :  * a result of macro expansion. Really annoying to work with due to the fact
      49                 :             :  * that macros can really expand to anything. As such, horrible representation
      50                 :             :  * at the moment.
      51                 :             :  */
      52                 :     2369215 : class Fragment
      53                 :             : {
      54                 :             : public:
      55                 :             :   Fragment (Fragment const &other);
      56                 :             :   Fragment &operator= (Fragment const &other);
      57                 :             : 
      58                 :             :   /**
      59                 :             :    * Create an error fragment
      60                 :             :    */
      61                 :             :   static Fragment create_error ();
      62                 :             : 
      63                 :             :   /**
      64                 :             :    * Create an empty fragment
      65                 :             :    */
      66                 :             :   static Fragment create_empty ();
      67                 :             : 
      68                 :             :   /**
      69                 :             :    * Create a complete AST fragment
      70                 :             :    */
      71                 :             :   Fragment (std::vector<AST::SingleASTNode> nodes,
      72                 :             :             std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AST::Token>> tokens);
      73                 :             : 
      74                 :             :   /**
      75                 :             :    * Create a complete AST fragment made of a single token
      76                 :             :    */
      77                 :             :   Fragment (std::vector<AST::SingleASTNode> nodes,
      78                 :             :             std::unique_ptr<AST::Token> tok);
      79                 :             : 
      80                 :             :   FragmentKind get_kind () const;
      81                 :             :   std::vector<SingleASTNode> &get_nodes ();
      82                 :             :   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AST::Token>> &get_tokens ();
      83                 :             : 
      84                 :             :   bool is_error () const;
      85                 :             :   bool should_expand () const;
      86                 :             : 
      87                 :             :   bool is_expression_fragment () const;
      88                 :             :   bool is_type_fragment () const;
      89                 :             : 
      90                 :             :   std::unique_ptr<Expr> take_expression_fragment ();
      91                 :             :   std::unique_ptr<Type> take_type_fragment ();
      92                 :             : 
      93                 :             :   void accept_vis (ASTVisitor &vis);
      94                 :             : 
      95                 :             : private:
      96                 :             :   Fragment (FragmentKind kind, std::vector<SingleASTNode> nodes,
      97                 :             :             std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AST::Token>> tokens);
      98                 :             : 
      99                 :             :   FragmentKind kind;
     100                 :             : 
     101                 :             :   /**
     102                 :             :    * Basic idea: essentially, a vector of tagged unions of different AST node
     103                 :             :    * types. Now, this could actually be stored without a tagged union if the
     104                 :             :    * different AST node types had a unified parent, but that would create
     105                 :             :    * issues with the diamond problem or significant performance penalties. So
     106                 :             :    * a tagged union had to be used instead. A vector is used to represent the
     107                 :             :    * ability for a macro to expand to two statements, for instance.
     108                 :             :    */
     109                 :             :   std::vector<SingleASTNode> nodes;
     110                 :             : 
     111                 :             :   /**
     112                 :             :    * The tokens associated with an AST fragment. This vector represents the
     113                 :             :    * actual tokens of the various nodes that are part of the fragment.
     114                 :             :    */
     115                 :             :   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AST::Token>> tokens;
     116                 :             : 
     117                 :             :   /**
     118                 :             :    * We need to make a special case for Expression and Type fragments as only
     119                 :             :    * one Node will be extracted from the `nodes` vector
     120                 :             :    */
     121                 :             :   bool is_single_fragment () const;
     122                 :             :   bool is_single_fragment_of_kind (SingleASTNode::NodeType expected) const;
     123                 :             :   void assert_single_fragment (SingleASTNode::NodeType expected) const;
     124                 :             : };
     125                 :             : 
     126                 :             : /**
     127                 :             :  * This is the type for transcriber functions found in
     128                 :             :  * rust-macro-builtins.{h,cc}.
     129                 :             :  */
     130                 :             : using MacroTranscriberFunc
     131                 :             :   = std::function<tl::optional<Fragment> (location_t, MacroInvocData &)>;
     132                 :             : 
     133                 :             : } // namespace AST
     134                 :             : } // namespace Rust
     135                 :             : 
     136                 :             : #endif // !RUST_AST_FRAGMENT_H

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta

LCOV profile is generated on x86_64 machine using following configure options: configure --disable-bootstrap --enable-coverage=opt --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,go,jit,lto,rust,m2 --enable-host-shared. GCC test suite is run with the built compiler.