Branch data Line data Source code
1 : : /* Data references and dependences detectors.
2 : : Copyright (C) 2003-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3 : : Contributed by Sebastian Pop <>
4 : :
5 : : This file is part of GCC.
6 : :
7 : : GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 : : the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
9 : : Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
10 : : version.
11 : :
12 : : GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
13 : : WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 : : FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
15 : : for more details.
16 : :
17 : : You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 : : along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
19 : : <>. */
20 : :
21 : : #ifndef GCC_TREE_DATA_REF_H
22 : : #define GCC_TREE_DATA_REF_H
23 : :
24 : : #include "graphds.h"
25 : : #include "tree-chrec.h"
26 : : #include "opt-problem.h"
27 : :
28 : : /*
29 : : innermost_loop_behavior describes the evolution of the address of the memory
30 : : reference in the innermost enclosing loop. The address is expressed as
31 : : BASE + STEP * # of iteration, and base is further decomposed as the base
32 : : pointer (BASE_ADDRESS), loop invariant offset (OFFSET) and
33 : : constant offset (INIT). Examples, in loop nest
34 : :
35 : : for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
36 : : for (j = 3; j < 100; j++)
37 : :
38 : : Example 1 Example 2
39 : : data-ref a[j].b[i][j] *(p + x + 16B + 4B * j)
40 : :
41 : :
42 : : innermost_loop_behavior
43 : : base_address &a p
44 : : offset i * D_i x
45 : : init 3 * D_j + offsetof (b) 28
46 : : step D_j 4
47 : :
48 : : */
49 : : struct innermost_loop_behavior
50 : : {
51 : : tree base_address;
52 : : tree offset;
53 : : tree init;
54 : : tree step;
55 : :
56 : : /* BASE_ADDRESS is known to be misaligned by BASE_MISALIGNMENT bytes
57 : : from an alignment boundary of BASE_ALIGNMENT bytes. For example,
58 : : if we had:
59 : :
60 : : struct S __attribute__((aligned(16))) { ... };
61 : :
62 : : char *ptr;
63 : : ... *(struct S *) (ptr - 4) ...;
64 : :
65 : : the information would be:
66 : :
67 : : base_address: ptr
68 : : base_aligment: 16
69 : : base_misalignment: 4
70 : : init: -4
71 : :
72 : : where init cancels the base misalignment. If instead we had a
73 : : reference to a particular field:
74 : :
75 : : struct S __attribute__((aligned(16))) { ... int f; ... };
76 : :
77 : : char *ptr;
78 : : ... ((struct S *) (ptr - 4))->f ...;
79 : :
80 : : the information would be:
81 : :
82 : : base_address: ptr
83 : : base_aligment: 16
84 : : base_misalignment: 4
85 : : init: -4 + offsetof (S, f)
86 : :
87 : : where base_address + init might also be misaligned, and by a different
88 : : amount from base_address. */
89 : : unsigned int base_alignment;
90 : : unsigned int base_misalignment;
91 : :
92 : : /* The largest power of two that divides OFFSET, capped to a suitably
93 : : high value if the offset is zero. This is a byte rather than a bit
94 : : quantity. */
95 : : unsigned int offset_alignment;
96 : :
97 : : /* Likewise for STEP. */
98 : : unsigned int step_alignment;
99 : : };
100 : :
101 : : /* Describes the evolutions of indices of the memory reference. The indices
102 : : are indices of the ARRAY_REFs, indexes in artificial dimensions
103 : : added for member selection of records and the operands of MEM_REFs.
104 : : BASE_OBJECT is the part of the reference that is loop-invariant
105 : : (note that this reference does not have to cover the whole object
106 : : being accessed, in which case UNCONSTRAINED_BASE is set; hence it is
107 : : not recommended to use BASE_OBJECT in any code generation).
108 : : For the examples above,
109 : :
110 : : base_object: a *(p + x + 4B * j_0)
111 : : indices: {j_0, +, 1}_2 {16, +, 4}_2
112 : : 4
113 : : {i_0, +, 1}_1
114 : : {j_0, +, 1}_2
115 : : */
116 : :
117 : : struct indices
118 : : {
119 : : /* The object. */
120 : : tree base_object;
121 : :
122 : : /* A list of chrecs. Access functions of the indices. */
123 : : vec<tree> access_fns;
124 : :
125 : : /* Whether BASE_OBJECT is an access representing the whole object
126 : : or whether the access could not be constrained. */
127 : : bool unconstrained_base;
128 : : };
129 : :
130 : : struct dr_alias
131 : : {
132 : : /* The alias information that should be used for new pointers to this
133 : : location. */
134 : : struct ptr_info_def *ptr_info;
135 : : };
136 : :
137 : : /* An integer vector. A vector formally consists of an element of a vector
138 : : space. A vector space is a set that is closed under vector addition
139 : : and scalar multiplication. In this vector space, an element is a list of
140 : : integers. */
141 : : typedef HOST_WIDE_INT lambda_int;
142 : : typedef lambda_int *lambda_vector;
143 : :
144 : : /* An integer matrix. A matrix consists of m vectors of length n (IE
145 : : all vectors are the same length). */
146 : : typedef lambda_vector *lambda_matrix;
147 : :
148 : :
149 : :
150 : : struct data_reference
151 : : {
152 : : /* A pointer to the statement that contains this DR. */
153 : : gimple *stmt;
154 : :
155 : : /* A pointer to the memory reference. */
156 : : tree ref;
157 : :
158 : : /* Auxiliary info specific to a pass. */
159 : : void *aux;
160 : :
161 : : /* True when the data reference is in RHS of a stmt. */
162 : : bool is_read;
163 : :
164 : : /* True when the data reference is conditional within STMT,
165 : : i.e. if it might not occur even when the statement is executed
166 : : and runs to completion. */
167 : : bool is_conditional_in_stmt;
168 : :
169 : : /* Alias information for the data reference. */
170 : : struct dr_alias alias;
171 : :
172 : : /* Behavior of the memory reference in the innermost loop. */
173 : : struct innermost_loop_behavior innermost;
174 : :
175 : : /* Subscripts of this data reference. */
176 : : struct indices indices;
177 : :
178 : : /* Alternate subscripts initialized lazily and used by data-dependence
179 : : analysis only when the main indices of two DRs are not comparable.
180 : : Keep last to keep vec_info_shared::check_datarefs happy. */
181 : : struct indices alt_indices;
182 : : };
183 : :
184 : : #define DR_STMT(DR) (DR)->stmt
185 : : #define DR_REF(DR) (DR)->ref
186 : : #define DR_BASE_OBJECT(DR) (DR)->indices.base_object
187 : : #define DR_UNCONSTRAINED_BASE(DR) (DR)->indices.unconstrained_base
188 : : #define DR_ACCESS_FNS(DR) (DR)->indices.access_fns
189 : : #define DR_ACCESS_FN(DR, I) DR_ACCESS_FNS (DR)[I]
190 : : #define DR_NUM_DIMENSIONS(DR) DR_ACCESS_FNS (DR).length ()
191 : : #define DR_IS_READ(DR) (DR)->is_read
192 : : #define DR_IS_WRITE(DR) (!DR_IS_READ (DR))
193 : : #define DR_IS_CONDITIONAL_IN_STMT(DR) (DR)->is_conditional_in_stmt
194 : : #define DR_BASE_ADDRESS(DR) (DR)->innermost.base_address
195 : : #define DR_OFFSET(DR) (DR)->innermost.offset
196 : : #define DR_INIT(DR) (DR)->innermost.init
197 : : #define DR_STEP(DR) (DR)->innermost.step
198 : : #define DR_PTR_INFO(DR) (DR)->alias.ptr_info
199 : : #define DR_BASE_ALIGNMENT(DR) (DR)->innermost.base_alignment
200 : : #define DR_BASE_MISALIGNMENT(DR) (DR)->innermost.base_misalignment
201 : : #define DR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT(DR) (DR)->innermost.offset_alignment
202 : : #define DR_STEP_ALIGNMENT(DR) (DR)->innermost.step_alignment
203 : : #define DR_INNERMOST(DR) (DR)->innermost
204 : :
205 : : typedef struct data_reference *data_reference_p;
206 : :
207 : : /* This struct is used to store the information of a data reference,
208 : : including the data ref itself and the segment length for aliasing
209 : : checks. This is used to merge alias checks. */
210 : :
211 : : class dr_with_seg_len
212 : : {
213 : : public:
214 : 52748 : dr_with_seg_len (data_reference_p d, tree len, unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT size,
215 : : unsigned int a)
216 : 52748 : : dr (d), seg_len (len), access_size (size), align (a) {}
217 : :
218 : : data_reference_p dr;
219 : : /* The offset of the last access that needs to be checked minus
220 : : the offset of the first. */
221 : : tree seg_len;
222 : : /* A value that, when added to abs (SEG_LEN), gives the total number of
223 : : bytes in the segment. */
224 : : poly_uint64 access_size;
225 : : /* The minimum common alignment of DR's start address, SEG_LEN and
226 : : ACCESS_SIZE. */
227 : : unsigned int align;
228 : : };
229 : :
230 : : /* Flags that describe a potential alias between two dr_with_seg_lens.
231 : : In general, each pair of dr_with_seg_lens represents a composite of
232 : : multiple access pairs P, so testing flags like DR_IS_READ on the DRs
233 : : does not give meaningful information.
234 : :
235 : : DR_ALIAS_RAW:
236 : : There is a pair in P for which the second reference is a read
237 : : and the first is a write.
238 : :
239 : : DR_ALIAS_WAR:
240 : : There is a pair in P for which the second reference is a write
241 : : and the first is a read.
242 : :
243 : : DR_ALIAS_WAW:
244 : : There is a pair in P for which both references are writes.
245 : :
247 : : Either
248 : : (a) it isn't possible to classify one pair in P as RAW, WAW or WAR; or
249 : : (b) there is a pair in P that breaks the ordering assumption below.
250 : :
251 : : This flag overrides the RAW, WAR and WAW flags above.
252 : :
255 : : Temporary flags that indicate whether there is a pair P whose
256 : : DRs have or haven't been swapped around.
257 : :
259 : : The DR_STEP for one of the data references in the pair does not
260 : : accurately describe that reference for all members of P. (Note
261 : : that the flag does not say anything about whether the DR_STEPs
262 : : of the two references in the pair are the same.)
263 : :
264 : : The ordering assumption mentioned above is that for every pair
265 : : (DR_A, DR_B) in P:
266 : :
267 : : (1) The original code accesses n elements for DR_A and n elements for DR_B,
268 : : interleaved as follows:
269 : :
270 : : one access of size DR_A.access_size at DR_A.dr
271 : : one access of size DR_B.access_size at DR_B.dr
272 : : one access of size DR_A.access_size at DR_A.dr + STEP_A
273 : : one access of size DR_B.access_size at DR_B.dr + STEP_B
274 : : one access of size DR_A.access_size at DR_A.dr + STEP_A * 2
275 : : one access of size DR_B.access_size at DR_B.dr + STEP_B * 2
276 : : ...
277 : :
278 : : (2) The new code accesses the same data in exactly two chunks:
279 : :
280 : : one group of accesses spanning |DR_A.seg_len| + DR_A.access_size
281 : : one group of accesses spanning |DR_B.seg_len| + DR_B.access_size
282 : :
283 : : A pair might break this assumption if the DR_A and DR_B accesses
284 : : in the original or the new code are mingled in some way. For example,
285 : : if DR_A.access_size represents the effect of two individual writes
286 : : to nearby locations, the pair breaks the assumption if those writes
287 : : occur either side of the access for DR_B.
288 : :
289 : : Note that DR_ALIAS_ARBITRARY describes whether the ordering assumption
290 : : fails to hold for any individual pair in P. If the assumption *does*
291 : : hold for every pair in P, it doesn't matter whether it holds for the
292 : : composite pair or not. In other words, P should represent the complete
293 : : set of pairs that the composite pair is testing, so only the ordering
294 : : of two accesses in the same member of P matters. */
295 : : const unsigned int DR_ALIAS_RAW = 1U << 0;
296 : : const unsigned int DR_ALIAS_WAR = 1U << 1;
297 : : const unsigned int DR_ALIAS_WAW = 1U << 2;
298 : : const unsigned int DR_ALIAS_ARBITRARY = 1U << 3;
299 : : const unsigned int DR_ALIAS_SWAPPED = 1U << 4;
300 : : const unsigned int DR_ALIAS_UNSWAPPED = 1U << 5;
301 : : const unsigned int DR_ALIAS_MIXED_STEPS = 1U << 6;
302 : :
303 : : /* This struct contains two dr_with_seg_len objects with aliasing data
304 : : refs. Two comparisons are generated from them. */
305 : :
306 : : class dr_with_seg_len_pair_t
307 : : {
308 : : public:
309 : : /* WELL_ORDERED indicates that the ordering assumption described above
310 : : DR_ALIAS_ARBITRARY holds. REORDERED indicates that it doesn't. */
311 : : enum sequencing { WELL_ORDERED, REORDERED };
312 : :
313 : : dr_with_seg_len_pair_t (const dr_with_seg_len &,
314 : : const dr_with_seg_len &, sequencing);
315 : :
316 : : dr_with_seg_len first;
317 : : dr_with_seg_len second;
318 : : unsigned int flags;
319 : : };
320 : :
321 : 52748 : inline dr_with_seg_len_pair_t::
322 : : dr_with_seg_len_pair_t (const dr_with_seg_len &d1, const dr_with_seg_len &d2,
323 : 52748 : sequencing seq)
324 : 52748 : : first (d1), second (d2), flags (0)
325 : : {
326 : 52748 : if (DR_IS_READ (d1.dr) && DR_IS_WRITE (d2.dr))
327 : 29065 : flags |= DR_ALIAS_WAR;
328 : 23683 : else if (DR_IS_WRITE (d1.dr) && DR_IS_READ (d2.dr))
329 : 6596 : flags |= DR_ALIAS_RAW;
330 : 17087 : else if (DR_IS_WRITE (d1.dr) && DR_IS_WRITE (d2.dr))
331 : 17087 : flags |= DR_ALIAS_WAW;
332 : : else
333 : 0 : gcc_unreachable ();
334 : 52748 : if (seq == REORDERED)
335 : 6134 : flags |= DR_ALIAS_ARBITRARY;
336 : 52748 : }
337 : :
338 : : enum data_dependence_direction {
339 : : dir_positive,
340 : : dir_negative,
341 : : dir_equal,
342 : : dir_positive_or_negative,
343 : : dir_positive_or_equal,
344 : : dir_negative_or_equal,
345 : : dir_star,
346 : : dir_independent
347 : : };
348 : :
349 : : /* The description of the grid of iterations that overlap. At most
350 : : two loops are considered at the same time just now, hence at most
351 : : two functions are needed. For each of the functions, we store
352 : : the vector of coefficients, f[0] + x * f[1] + y * f[2] + ...,
353 : : where x, y, ... are variables. */
354 : :
355 : : #define MAX_DIM 2
356 : :
357 : : /* Special values of N. */
358 : : #define NO_DEPENDENCE 0
359 : : #define NOT_KNOWN (MAX_DIM + 1)
360 : : #define CF_NONTRIVIAL_P(CF) ((CF)->n != NO_DEPENDENCE && (CF)->n != NOT_KNOWN)
361 : : #define CF_NOT_KNOWN_P(CF) ((CF)->n == NOT_KNOWN)
362 : : #define CF_NO_DEPENDENCE_P(CF) ((CF)->n == NO_DEPENDENCE)
363 : :
364 : : typedef vec<tree> affine_fn;
365 : :
366 : : struct conflict_function
367 : : {
368 : : unsigned n;
369 : : affine_fn fns[MAX_DIM];
370 : : };
371 : :
372 : : /* What is a subscript? Given two array accesses a subscript is the
373 : : tuple composed of the access functions for a given dimension.
374 : : Example: Given A[f1][f2][f3] and B[g1][g2][g3], there are three
375 : : subscripts: (f1, g1), (f2, g2), (f3, g3). These three subscripts
376 : : are stored in the data_dependence_relation structure under the form
377 : : of an array of subscripts. */
378 : :
379 : : struct subscript
380 : : {
381 : : /* The access functions of the two references. */
382 : : tree access_fn[2];
383 : :
384 : : /* A description of the iterations for which the elements are
385 : : accessed twice. */
386 : : conflict_function *conflicting_iterations_in_a;
387 : : conflict_function *conflicting_iterations_in_b;
388 : :
389 : : /* This field stores the information about the iteration domain
390 : : validity of the dependence relation. */
391 : : tree last_conflict;
392 : :
393 : : /* Distance from the iteration that access a conflicting element in
394 : : A to the iteration that access this same conflicting element in
395 : : B. The distance is a tree scalar expression, i.e. a constant or a
396 : : symbolic expression, but certainly not a chrec function. */
397 : : tree distance;
398 : : };
399 : :
400 : : typedef struct subscript *subscript_p;
401 : :
402 : : #define SUB_ACCESS_FN(SUB, I) (SUB)->access_fn[I]
403 : : #define SUB_CONFLICTS_IN_A(SUB) (SUB)->conflicting_iterations_in_a
404 : : #define SUB_CONFLICTS_IN_B(SUB) (SUB)->conflicting_iterations_in_b
405 : : #define SUB_LAST_CONFLICT(SUB) (SUB)->last_conflict
406 : : #define SUB_DISTANCE(SUB) (SUB)->distance
407 : :
408 : : /* A data_dependence_relation represents a relation between two
409 : : data_references A and B. */
410 : :
411 : : struct data_dependence_relation
412 : : {
413 : :
414 : : struct data_reference *a;
415 : : struct data_reference *b;
416 : :
417 : : /* A "yes/no/maybe" field for the dependence relation:
418 : :
419 : : - when "ARE_DEPENDENT == NULL_TREE", there exist a dependence
420 : : relation between A and B, and the description of this relation
421 : : is given in the SUBSCRIPTS array,
422 : :
423 : : - when "ARE_DEPENDENT == chrec_known", there is no dependence and
424 : : SUBSCRIPTS is empty,
425 : :
426 : : - when "ARE_DEPENDENT == chrec_dont_know", there may be a dependence,
427 : : but the analyzer cannot be more specific. */
428 : : tree are_dependent;
429 : :
430 : : /* If nonnull, COULD_BE_INDEPENDENT_P is true and the accesses are
431 : : independent when the runtime addresses of OBJECT_A and OBJECT_B
432 : : are different. The addresses of both objects are invariant in the
433 : : loop nest. */
434 : : tree object_a;
435 : : tree object_b;
436 : :
437 : : /* For each subscript in the dependence test, there is an element in
438 : : this array. This is the attribute that labels the edge A->B of
439 : : the data_dependence_relation. */
440 : : vec<subscript_p> subscripts;
441 : :
442 : : /* The analyzed loop nest. */
443 : : vec<loop_p> loop_nest;
444 : :
445 : : /* The classic direction vector. */
446 : : vec<lambda_vector> dir_vects;
447 : :
448 : : /* The classic distance vector. */
449 : : vec<lambda_vector> dist_vects;
450 : :
451 : : /* Is the dependence reversed with respect to the lexicographic order? */
452 : : bool reversed_p;
453 : :
454 : : /* When the dependence relation is affine, it can be represented by
455 : : a distance vector. */
456 : : bool affine_p;
457 : :
458 : : /* Set to true when the dependence relation is on the same data
459 : : access. */
460 : : bool self_reference_p;
461 : :
462 : : /* True if the dependence described is conservatively correct rather
463 : : than exact, and if it is still possible for the accesses to be
464 : : conditionally independent. For example, the a and b references in:
465 : :
466 : : struct s *a, *b;
467 : : for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
468 : : a->f[i] += b->f[i];
469 : :
470 : : conservatively have a distance vector of (0), for the case in which
471 : : a == b, but the accesses are independent if a != b. Similarly,
472 : : the a and b references in:
473 : :
474 : : struct s *a, *b;
475 : : for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
476 : : a[0].f[i] += b[i].f[i];
477 : :
478 : : conservatively have a distance vector of (0), but they are indepenent
479 : : when a != b + i. In contrast, the references in:
480 : :
481 : : struct s *a;
482 : : for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
483 : : a->f[i] += a->f[i];
484 : :
485 : : have the same distance vector of (0), but the accesses can never be
486 : : independent. */
487 : : bool could_be_independent_p;
488 : : };
489 : :
490 : : typedef struct data_dependence_relation *ddr_p;
491 : :
492 : : #define DDR_A(DDR) (DDR)->a
493 : : #define DDR_B(DDR) (DDR)->b
494 : : #define DDR_AFFINE_P(DDR) (DDR)->affine_p
495 : : #define DDR_ARE_DEPENDENT(DDR) (DDR)->are_dependent
496 : : #define DDR_OBJECT_A(DDR) (DDR)->object_a
497 : : #define DDR_OBJECT_B(DDR) (DDR)->object_b
498 : : #define DDR_SUBSCRIPTS(DDR) (DDR)->subscripts
500 : : #define DDR_NUM_SUBSCRIPTS(DDR) DDR_SUBSCRIPTS (DDR).length ()
501 : :
502 : : #define DDR_LOOP_NEST(DDR) (DDR)->loop_nest
503 : : /* The size of the direction/distance vectors: the number of loops in
504 : : the loop nest. */
505 : : #define DDR_NB_LOOPS(DDR) (DDR_LOOP_NEST (DDR).length ())
506 : : #define DDR_SELF_REFERENCE(DDR) (DDR)->self_reference_p
507 : :
508 : : #define DDR_DIST_VECTS(DDR) ((DDR)->dist_vects)
509 : : #define DDR_DIR_VECTS(DDR) ((DDR)->dir_vects)
510 : : #define DDR_NUM_DIST_VECTS(DDR) \
511 : : (DDR_DIST_VECTS (DDR).length ())
512 : : #define DDR_NUM_DIR_VECTS(DDR) \
513 : : (DDR_DIR_VECTS (DDR).length ())
514 : : #define DDR_DIR_VECT(DDR, I) \
515 : : DDR_DIR_VECTS (DDR)[I]
516 : : #define DDR_DIST_VECT(DDR, I) \
518 : : #define DDR_REVERSED_P(DDR) (DDR)->reversed_p
519 : : #define DDR_COULD_BE_INDEPENDENT_P(DDR) (DDR)->could_be_independent_p
520 : :
521 : :
522 : : opt_result dr_analyze_innermost (innermost_loop_behavior *, tree,
523 : : class loop *, const gimple *);
524 : : extern bool compute_data_dependences_for_loop (class loop *, bool,
525 : : vec<loop_p> *,
526 : : vec<data_reference_p> *,
527 : : vec<ddr_p> *);
528 : : extern void debug_ddrs (vec<ddr_p> );
529 : : extern void dump_data_reference (FILE *, struct data_reference *);
530 : : extern void debug (data_reference &ref);
531 : : extern void debug (data_reference *ptr);
532 : : extern void debug_data_reference (struct data_reference *);
533 : : extern void debug_data_references (vec<data_reference_p> );
534 : : extern void debug (vec<data_reference_p> &ref);
535 : : extern void debug (vec<data_reference_p> *ptr);
536 : : extern void debug_data_dependence_relation (const data_dependence_relation *);
537 : : extern void dump_data_dependence_relations (FILE *, const vec<ddr_p> &);
538 : : extern void debug (vec<ddr_p> &ref);
539 : : extern void debug (vec<ddr_p> *ptr);
540 : : extern void debug_data_dependence_relations (vec<ddr_p> );
541 : : extern void free_dependence_relation (struct data_dependence_relation *);
542 : : extern void free_dependence_relations (vec<ddr_p>& );
543 : : extern void free_data_ref (data_reference_p);
544 : : extern void free_data_refs (vec<data_reference_p>& );
545 : : extern opt_result find_data_references_in_stmt (class loop *, gimple *,
546 : : vec<data_reference_p> *);
547 : : extern bool graphite_find_data_references_in_stmt (edge, loop_p, gimple *,
548 : : vec<data_reference_p> *);
549 : : tree find_data_references_in_loop (class loop *, vec<data_reference_p> *);
550 : : bool loop_nest_has_data_refs (loop_p loop);
551 : : struct data_reference *create_data_ref (edge, loop_p, tree, gimple *, bool,
552 : : bool);
553 : : extern bool find_loop_nest (class loop *, vec<loop_p> *);
554 : : extern struct data_dependence_relation *initialize_data_dependence_relation
555 : : (struct data_reference *, struct data_reference *, vec<loop_p>);
556 : : extern void compute_affine_dependence (struct data_dependence_relation *,
557 : : loop_p);
558 : : extern void compute_self_dependence (struct data_dependence_relation *);
559 : : extern bool compute_all_dependences (const vec<data_reference_p> &,
560 : : vec<ddr_p> *,
561 : : const vec<loop_p> &, bool);
562 : : extern tree find_data_references_in_bb (class loop *, basic_block,
563 : : vec<data_reference_p> *);
564 : : extern unsigned int dr_alignment (innermost_loop_behavior *);
565 : : extern tree get_base_for_alignment (tree, unsigned int *);
566 : :
567 : : /* Return the alignment in bytes that DR is guaranteed to have at all
568 : : times. */
569 : :
570 : : inline unsigned int
571 : 107790 : dr_alignment (data_reference *dr)
572 : : {
573 : 53895 : return dr_alignment (&DR_INNERMOST (dr));
574 : : }
575 : :
576 : : extern bool dr_may_alias_p (const struct data_reference *,
577 : : const struct data_reference *, class loop *);
578 : : extern bool dr_equal_offsets_p (struct data_reference *,
579 : : struct data_reference *);
580 : :
581 : : extern opt_result runtime_alias_check_p (ddr_p, class loop *, bool);
582 : : extern int data_ref_compare_tree (tree, tree);
583 : : extern void prune_runtime_alias_test_list (vec<dr_with_seg_len_pair_t> *,
584 : : poly_uint64);
585 : : extern void create_runtime_alias_checks (class loop *,
586 : : const vec<dr_with_seg_len_pair_t> *,
587 : : tree*);
588 : : extern tree dr_direction_indicator (struct data_reference *);
589 : : extern tree dr_zero_step_indicator (struct data_reference *);
590 : : extern bool dr_known_forward_stride_p (struct data_reference *);
591 : :
592 : : /* Return true when the base objects of data references A and B are
593 : : the same memory object. */
594 : :
595 : : inline bool
596 : 2715 : same_data_refs_base_objects (data_reference_p a, data_reference_p b)
597 : : {
598 : 5372 : return DR_NUM_DIMENSIONS (a) == DR_NUM_DIMENSIONS (b)
599 : 2715 : && operand_equal_p (DR_BASE_OBJECT (a), DR_BASE_OBJECT (b), 0);
600 : : }
601 : :
602 : : /* Return true when the data references A and B are accessing the same
603 : : memory object with the same access functions. Optionally skip the
604 : : last OFFSET dimensions in the data reference. */
605 : :
606 : : inline bool
607 : 10514 : same_data_refs (data_reference_p a, data_reference_p b, int offset = 0)
608 : : {
609 : 10514 : unsigned int i;
610 : :
611 : : /* The references are exactly the same. */
612 : 10514 : if (operand_equal_p (DR_REF (a), DR_REF (b), 0))
613 : : return true;
614 : :
615 : 2715 : if (!same_data_refs_base_objects (a, b))
616 : : return false;
617 : :
618 : 145 : for (i = offset; i < DR_NUM_DIMENSIONS (a); i++)
619 : 70 : if (!eq_evolutions_p (DR_ACCESS_FN (a, i), DR_ACCESS_FN (b, i)))
620 : : return false;
621 : :
622 : : return true;
623 : : }
624 : :
625 : : /* Returns true when all the dependences are computable. */
626 : :
627 : : inline bool
628 : : known_dependences_p (vec<ddr_p> dependence_relations)
629 : : {
630 : : ddr_p ddr;
631 : : unsigned int i;
632 : :
633 : : FOR_EACH_VEC_ELT (dependence_relations, i, ddr)
634 : : if (DDR_ARE_DEPENDENT (ddr) == chrec_dont_know)
635 : : return false;
636 : :
637 : : return true;
638 : : }
639 : :
640 : : /* Returns the dependence level for a vector DIST of size LENGTH.
641 : : LEVEL = 0 means a lexicographic dependence, i.e. a dependence due
642 : : to the sequence of statements, not carried by any loop. */
643 : :
644 : : inline unsigned
645 : 147 : dependence_level (lambda_vector dist_vect, int length)
646 : : {
647 : 147 : int i;
648 : :
649 : 1059 : for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
650 : 812 : if (dist_vect[i] != 0)
651 : 430 : return i + 1;
652 : :
653 : : return 0;
654 : : }
655 : :
656 : : /* Return the dependence level for the DDR relation. */
657 : :
658 : : inline unsigned
659 : : ddr_dependence_level (ddr_p ddr)
660 : : {
661 : : unsigned vector;
662 : : unsigned level = 0;
663 : :
664 : : if (DDR_DIST_VECTS (ddr).exists ())
665 : : level = dependence_level (DDR_DIST_VECT (ddr, 0), DDR_NB_LOOPS (ddr));
666 : :
667 : : for (vector = 1; vector < DDR_NUM_DIST_VECTS (ddr); vector++)
668 : : level = MIN (level, dependence_level (DDR_DIST_VECT (ddr, vector),
669 : : DDR_NB_LOOPS (ddr)));
670 : : return level;
671 : : }
672 : :
673 : : /* Return the index of the variable VAR in the LOOP_NEST array. */
674 : :
675 : : inline int
676 : 141286 : index_in_loop_nest (int var, const vec<loop_p> &loop_nest)
677 : : {
678 : 141286 : class loop *loopi;
679 : 141286 : int var_index;
680 : :
681 : 146868 : for (var_index = 0; loop_nest.iterate (var_index, &loopi); var_index++)
682 : 146868 : if (loopi->num == var)
683 : 141286 : return var_index;
684 : :
685 : 0 : gcc_unreachable ();
686 : : }
687 : :
688 : : /* Returns true when the data reference DR the form "A[i] = ..."
689 : : with a stride equal to its unit type size. */
690 : :
691 : : inline bool
692 : : adjacent_dr_p (struct data_reference *dr)
693 : : {
694 : : /* If this is a bitfield store bail out. */
695 : : if (TREE_CODE (DR_REF (dr)) == COMPONENT_REF
696 : : && DECL_BIT_FIELD (TREE_OPERAND (DR_REF (dr), 1)))
697 : : return false;
698 : :
699 : : if (!DR_STEP (dr)
700 : : || TREE_CODE (DR_STEP (dr)) != INTEGER_CST)
701 : : return false;
702 : :
703 : : return tree_int_cst_equal (fold_unary (ABS_EXPR, TREE_TYPE (DR_STEP (dr)),
704 : : DR_STEP (dr)),
705 : : TYPE_SIZE_UNIT (TREE_TYPE (DR_REF (dr))));
706 : : }
707 : :
708 : : void split_constant_offset (tree , tree *, tree *);
709 : :
710 : : /* Compute the greatest common divisor of a VECTOR of SIZE numbers. */
711 : :
712 : : inline lambda_int
713 : : lambda_vector_gcd (lambda_vector vector, int size)
714 : : {
715 : : int i;
716 : : lambda_int gcd1 = 0;
717 : :
718 : : if (size > 0)
719 : : {
720 : : gcd1 = vector[0];
721 : : for (i = 1; i < size; i++)
722 : : gcd1 = gcd (gcd1, vector[i]);
723 : : }
724 : : return gcd1;
725 : : }
726 : :
727 : : /* Allocate a new vector of given SIZE. */
728 : :
729 : : inline lambda_vector
730 : 2061277 : lambda_vector_new (int size)
731 : : {
732 : : /* ??? We shouldn't abuse the GC allocator here. */
733 : 2061277 : return ggc_cleared_vec_alloc<lambda_int> (size);
734 : : }
735 : :
736 : : /* Clear out vector VEC1 of length SIZE. */
737 : :
738 : : inline void
739 : 644 : lambda_vector_clear (lambda_vector vec1, int size)
740 : : {
741 : 644 : memset (vec1, 0, size * sizeof (*vec1));
742 : 0 : }
743 : :
744 : : /* Returns true when the vector V is lexicographically positive, in
745 : : other words, when the first nonzero element is positive. */
746 : :
747 : : inline bool
748 : 45941 : lambda_vector_lexico_pos (lambda_vector v,
749 : : unsigned n)
750 : : {
751 : 45941 : unsigned i;
752 : 46713 : for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
753 : : {
754 : 46077 : if (v[i] == 0)
755 : 694 : continue;
756 : 45383 : if (v[i] < 0)
757 : : return false;
758 : : if (v[i] > 0)
759 : : return true;
760 : : }
761 : : return true;
762 : : }
763 : :
764 : : /* Return true if vector VEC1 of length SIZE is the zero vector. */
765 : :
766 : : inline bool
767 : 40457 : lambda_vector_zerop (lambda_vector vec1, int size)
768 : : {
769 : 40457 : int i;
770 : 85999 : for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
771 : 50905 : if (vec1[i] != 0)
772 : : return false;
773 : : return true;
774 : : }
775 : :
776 : : /* Allocate a matrix of M rows x N cols. */
777 : :
778 : : inline lambda_matrix
779 : 2629779 : lambda_matrix_new (int m, int n, struct obstack *lambda_obstack)
780 : : {
781 : 2629779 : lambda_matrix mat;
782 : 2629779 : int i;
783 : :
784 : 2629779 : mat = XOBNEWVEC (lambda_obstack, lambda_vector, m);
785 : :
786 : 7888542 : for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
787 : 5258763 : mat[i] = XOBNEWVEC (lambda_obstack, lambda_int, n);
788 : :
789 : 2629779 : return mat;
790 : : }
791 : :
792 : : #endif /* GCC_TREE_DATA_REF_H */