LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - gcc - tree-ssa-scopedtables.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 16 16
Test Date: 2025-03-08 13:07:09 Functions: 100.0 % 1 1
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: - 0 0

             Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :             : /* Header file for SSA dominator optimizations.
       2                 :             :    Copyright (C) 2013-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
       3                 :             : 
       4                 :             : This file is part of GCC.
       5                 :             : 
       6                 :             : GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
       7                 :             : the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
       8                 :             : Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
       9                 :             : version.
      10                 :             : 
      11                 :             : GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
      12                 :             : WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      13                 :             : FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
      14                 :             :  for more details.
      15                 :             : 
      16                 :             : You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      17                 :             : along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
      18                 :             : <>.  */
      19                 :             : 
      20                 :             : #ifndef GCC_TREE_SSA_SCOPED_TABLES_H
      21                 :             : #define GCC_TREE_SSA_SCOPED_TABLES_H
      22                 :             : 
      23                 :             : /* Representation of a "naked" right-hand-side expression, to be used
      24                 :             :    in recording available expressions in the expression hash table.  */
      25                 :             : 
      26                 :             : enum expr_kind
      27                 :             : {
      28                 :             :   EXPR_SINGLE,
      29                 :             :   EXPR_UNARY,
      30                 :             :   EXPR_BINARY,
      31                 :             :   EXPR_TERNARY,
      32                 :             :   EXPR_CALL,
      33                 :             :   EXPR_PHI
      34                 :             : };
      35                 :             : 
      36                 :             : struct hashable_expr
      37                 :             : {
      38                 :             :   tree type;
      39                 :             :   enum expr_kind kind;
      40                 :             :   union {
      41                 :             :     struct { tree rhs; } single;
      42                 :             :     struct { enum tree_code op;  tree opnd; } unary;
      43                 :             :     struct { enum tree_code op;  tree opnd0, opnd1; } binary;
      44                 :             :     struct { enum tree_code op;  tree opnd0, opnd1, opnd2; } ternary;
      45                 :             :     struct { gcall *fn_from; bool pure; size_t nargs; tree *args; } call;
      46                 :             :     struct { size_t nargs; tree *args; } phi;
      47                 :             :   } ops;
      48                 :             : };
      49                 :             : 
      50                 :             : /* Structure for recording known value of a conditional expression.
      51                 :             : 
      52                 :             :    Clients build vectors of these objects to record known values
      53                 :             :    that occur on edges.  */
      54                 :             : 
      55                 :             : struct cond_equivalence
      56                 :             : {
      57                 :             :   /* The condition, in a HASHABLE_EXPR form.  */
      58                 :             :   struct hashable_expr cond;
      59                 :             : 
      60                 :             :   /* The result of the condition (true or false.  */
      61                 :             :   tree value;
      62                 :             : };
      63                 :             : 
      64                 :             : /* Structure for entries in the expression hash table.  */
      65                 :             : 
      66                 :             : typedef class expr_hash_elt * expr_hash_elt_t;
      67                 :             : 
      68                 :             : class expr_hash_elt
      69                 :             : {
      70                 :             :  public:
      71                 :             :   expr_hash_elt (gimple *, tree);
      72                 :             :   expr_hash_elt (tree);
      73                 :             :   expr_hash_elt (struct hashable_expr *, tree);
      74                 :             :   expr_hash_elt (class expr_hash_elt &);
      75                 :             :   ~expr_hash_elt ();
      76                 :             :   void print (FILE *);
      77                 :     8771502 :   tree vop (void) { return m_vop; }
      78                 :     1745428 :   tree lhs (void) { return m_lhs; }
      79                 :   521727897 :   struct hashable_expr *expr (void) { return &m_expr; }
      80                 :   235452869 :   expr_hash_elt *stamp (void) { return m_stamp; }
      81                 :   189072315 :   hashval_t hash (void) { return m_hash; }
      82                 :             : 
      83                 :             :  private:
      84                 :             :   /* The expression (rhs) we want to record.  */
      85                 :             :   struct hashable_expr m_expr;
      86                 :             : 
      87                 :             :   /* The value (lhs) of this expression.  */
      88                 :             :   tree m_lhs;
      89                 :             : 
      90                 :             :   /* The virtual operand associated with the nearest dominating stmt
      91                 :             :      loading from or storing to expr.  */
      92                 :             :   tree m_vop;
      93                 :             : 
      94                 :             :   /* The hash value for RHS.  */
      95                 :             :   hashval_t m_hash;
      96                 :             : 
      97                 :             :   /* A unique stamp, typically the address of the hash
      98                 :             :      element itself, used in removing entries from the table.  */
      99                 :             :   class expr_hash_elt *m_stamp;
     100                 :             : 
     101                 :             :   /* We should never be making assignments between objects in this class.
     102                 :             :      Though it might allow us to exploit C++11 move semantics if we
     103                 :             :      defined the move constructor and move assignment operator.  */
     104                 :             :   expr_hash_elt& operator= (const expr_hash_elt&);
     105                 :             : };
     106                 :             : 
     107                 :             : /* Hashtable helpers.  */
     108                 :             : 
     109                 :             : struct expr_elt_hasher : pointer_hash <expr_hash_elt>
     110                 :             : {
     111                 :   312446192 :   static inline hashval_t hash (const value_type &p)
     112                 :   312446192 :     { return p->hash (); }
     113                 :             :   static bool equal (const value_type &, const compare_type &);
     114                 :   103828811 :   static inline void remove (value_type &element)
     115                 :   103828811 :     { delete element; }
     116                 :             : };
     117                 :             : 
     118                 :             : 
     119                 :             : /* This class defines a unwindable expression equivalence table
     120                 :             :    layered on top of the expression hash table.
     121                 :             : 
     122                 :             :    Essentially it's just a stack of available expression value pairs with
     123                 :             :    a special marker (NULL, NULL) to indicate unwind points.   */
     124                 :             : 
     125                 :             : class avail_exprs_stack
     126                 :             : {
     127                 :             :  public:
     128                 :             :   /* We need access to the AVAIL_EXPR hash table so that we can
     129                 :             :      remove entries from the hash table when unwinding the stack.  */
     130                 :     2005950 :   avail_exprs_stack (hash_table<expr_elt_hasher> *table)
     131                 :     2005950 :     { m_stack.create (20); m_avail_exprs = table; }
     132                 :     2005950 :   ~avail_exprs_stack (void) { m_stack.release (); }
     133                 :             : 
     134                 :             :   /* Push the unwinding marker onto the stack.  */
     135                 :    60515709 :   void push_marker (void) { record_expr (NULL, NULL, 'M'); }
     136                 :             : 
     137                 :             :   /* Restore the AVAIL_EXPRs table to its state when the last marker
     138                 :             :      was pushed.  */
     139                 :             :   void pop_to_marker (void);
     140                 :             : 
     141                 :             :   /* Record a single available expression that can be unwound.  */
     142                 :             :   void record_expr (expr_hash_elt_t, expr_hash_elt_t, char);
     143                 :             : 
     144                 :             :   /* Get the underlying hash table.  Would this be better as
     145                 :             :      class inheritance?  */
     146                 :             :   hash_table<expr_elt_hasher> *avail_exprs (void)
     147                 :             :     { return m_avail_exprs; }
     148                 :             : 
     149                 :             :   /* Lookup and conditionally insert an expression into the table,
     150                 :             :      recording enough information to unwind as needed.  */
     151                 :             :   tree lookup_avail_expr (gimple *, bool, bool, expr_hash_elt ** = NULL);
     152                 :             : 
     153                 :             :   void record_cond (cond_equivalence *);
     154                 :             : 
     155                 :             :  private:
     156                 :             :   vec<std::pair<expr_hash_elt_t, expr_hash_elt_t> > m_stack;
     157                 :             :   hash_table<expr_elt_hasher> *m_avail_exprs;
     158                 :             : 
     159                 :             :   /* For some assignments where the RHS is a binary operator, if we know
     160                 :             :      a equality relationship between the operands, we may be able to compute
     161                 :             :      a result, even if we don't know the exact value of the operands.  */
     162                 :             :   tree simplify_binary_operation (gimple *, class expr_hash_elt);
     163                 :             : 
     164                 :             :   /* We do not allow copying this object or initializing one
     165                 :             :      from another.  */
     166                 :             :   avail_exprs_stack& operator= (const avail_exprs_stack&);
     167                 :             :   avail_exprs_stack (class avail_exprs_stack &);
     168                 :             : };
     169                 :             : 
     170                 :             : /* This class defines an unwindable const/copy equivalence table
     171                 :             :    layered on top of SSA_NAME_VALUE/set_ssa_name_value.
     172                 :             : 
     173                 :             :    Essentially it's just a stack of name,prev value pairs with a
     174                 :             :    special marker (NULL) to indicate unwind points.  */
     175                 :             : 
     176                 :             : class const_and_copies
     177                 :             : {
     178                 :             :  public:
     179                 :     2005950 :   const_and_copies (void) { m_stack.create (20); };
     180                 :     2005950 :   ~const_and_copies (void) { m_stack.release (); }
     181                 :             : 
     182                 :             :   /* Push the unwinding marker onto the stack.  */
     183                 :    50683983 :   void push_marker (void) { m_stack.safe_push (NULL_TREE); }
     184                 :             : 
     185                 :             :   /* Restore the const/copies table to its state when the last marker
     186                 :             :      was pushed.  */
     187                 :             :   void pop_to_marker (void);
     188                 :             : 
     189                 :             :   /* Record a single const/copy pair that can be unwound.  This version
     190                 :             :      may follow the value chain for the RHS.  */
     191                 :             :   void record_const_or_copy (tree, tree);
     192                 :             : 
     193                 :             :   /* Special entry point when we want to provide an explicit previous
     194                 :             :      value for the first argument.  Try to get rid of this in the future.
     195                 :             : 
     196                 :             :      This version may also follow the value chain for the RHS.  */
     197                 :             :   void record_const_or_copy (tree, tree, tree);
     198                 :             : 
     199                 :             :  private:
     200                 :             :   /* Record a single const/copy pair that can be unwound.  This version
     201                 :             :      does not follow the value chain for the RHS.  */
     202                 :             :   void record_const_or_copy_raw (tree, tree, tree);
     203                 :             : 
     204                 :             :   vec<tree> m_stack;
     205                 :             :   const_and_copies& operator= (const const_and_copies&);
     206                 :             :   const_and_copies (class const_and_copies &);
     207                 :             : };
     208                 :             : 
     209                 :             : void initialize_expr_from_cond (tree cond, struct hashable_expr *expr);
     210                 :             : void record_conditions (vec<cond_equivalence> *p, tree, tree);
     211                 :             : 
     212                 :             : #endif /* GCC_TREE_SSA_SCOPED_TABLES_H */

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta

LCOV profile is generated on x86_64 machine using following configure options: configure --disable-bootstrap --enable-coverage=opt --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,go,jit,lto,rust,m2 --enable-host-shared. GCC test suite is run with the built compiler.