LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - gcc - tree-switch-conversion.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 91.7 % 96 88
Test Date: 2025-02-01 13:18:56 Functions: 81.0 % 21 17
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: - 0 0

             Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :             : /* Tree switch conversion for GNU compiler.
       2                 :             :    Copyright (C) 2017-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
       3                 :             : 
       4                 :             : This file is part of GCC.
       5                 :             : 
       6                 :             : GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
       7                 :             : the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
       8                 :             : Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
       9                 :             : version.
      10                 :             : 
      11                 :             : GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
      12                 :             : WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
      13                 :             : FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
      14                 :             : for more details.
      15                 :             : 
      16                 :             : You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      17                 :             : along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
      18                 :             : <>.  */
      19                 :             : 
      20                 :             : #ifndef TREE_SWITCH_CONVERSION_H
      21                 :             : #define TREE_SWITCH_CONVERSION_H
      22                 :             : 
      23                 :             : namespace tree_switch_conversion {
      24                 :             : 
      25                 :             : /* Type of cluster.  */
      26                 :             : 
      27                 :             : enum cluster_type
      28                 :             : {
      29                 :             :   SIMPLE_CASE,
      30                 :             :   JUMP_TABLE,
      31                 :             :   BIT_TEST
      32                 :             : };
      33                 :             : 
      34                 :             : #define PRINT_CASE(f,c) print_generic_expr (f, c)
      35                 :             : 
      36                 :             : /* Abstract base class for representing a cluster of cases.
      37                 :             : 
      38                 :             :    Here is the inheritance hierarachy, and the enum_cluster_type
      39                 :             :    values for the concrete subclasses:
      40                 :             : 
      41                 :             :    cluster
      42                 :             :    |-simple_cluster (SIMPLE_CASE)
      43                 :             :    `-group_cluster
      44                 :             :      |-jump_table_cluster (JUMP_TABLE)
      45                 :             :      `-bit_test_cluster   (BIT_TEST).  */
      46                 :             : 
      47                 :             : class cluster
      48                 :             : {
      49                 :             : public:
      50                 :             :   /* Constructor.  */
      51                 :             :   inline cluster (tree case_label_expr, basic_block case_bb,
      52                 :             :                   profile_probability prob, profile_probability subtree_prob);
      53                 :             : 
      54                 :             :   /* Destructor.  */
      55                 :      307071 :   virtual ~cluster ()
      56                 :             :   {}
      57                 :             : 
      58                 :             :   /* Return type.  */
      59                 :             :   virtual cluster_type get_type () = 0;
      60                 :             : 
      61                 :             :   /* Get low value covered by a cluster.  */
      62                 :             :   virtual tree get_low () = 0;
      63                 :             : 
      64                 :             :   /* Get high value covered by a cluster.  */
      65                 :             :   virtual tree get_high () = 0;
      66                 :             : 
      67                 :             :   /* Debug content of a cluster.  */
      68                 :             :   virtual void debug () = 0;
      69                 :             : 
      70                 :             :   /* Dump content of a cluster.  */
      71                 :             :   virtual void dump (FILE *f, bool details = false) = 0;
      72                 :             : 
      73                 :             :   /* Emit GIMPLE code to handle the cluster.  */
      74                 :             :   virtual void emit (tree, tree, tree, basic_block, location_t) = 0;
      75                 :             : 
      76                 :             :   /* Return true if a cluster handles only a single case value and the
      77                 :             :      value is not a range.  */
      78                 :        2252 :   virtual bool is_single_value_p ()
      79                 :             :   {
      80                 :        2252 :     return false;
      81                 :             :   }
      82                 :             : 
      83                 :             :   /* Return range of a cluster.  If value would overflow in type of LOW,
      84                 :             :      then return 0.  */
      85                 :     5549310 :   static unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT get_range (tree low, tree high)
      86                 :             :   {
      87                 :     5549310 :     wide_int w = wi::to_wide (high) - wi::to_wide (low);
      88                 :     5549310 :     if (wi::neg_p (w, TYPE_SIGN (TREE_TYPE (low))) || !wi::fits_uhwi_p (w))
      89                 :             :       return 0;
      90                 :     5545940 :     return w.to_uhwi () + 1;
      91                 :     5549310 :   }
      92                 :             : 
      93                 :             :   /* Case label.  */
      94                 :             :   tree m_case_label_expr;
      95                 :             : 
      96                 :             :   /* Basic block of the case.  */
      97                 :             :   basic_block m_case_bb;
      98                 :             : 
      99                 :             :   /* Probability of taking this cluster.  */
     100                 :             :   profile_probability m_prob;
     101                 :             : 
     102                 :             :   /* Probability of reaching subtree rooted at this node.  */
     103                 :             :   profile_probability m_subtree_prob;
     104                 :             : 
     105                 :             :   /* Probability of default case when reaching the node.
     106                 :             :      It is used by bit-test right now.  */
     107                 :             :   profile_probability m_default_prob;
     108                 :             : 
     109                 :             : protected:
     110                 :             :   /* Default constructor.  */
     111                 :       10911 :   cluster () {}
     112                 :             : };
     113                 :             : 
     114                 :      296160 : cluster::cluster (tree case_label_expr, basic_block case_bb,
     115                 :      296160 :                   profile_probability prob, profile_probability subtree_prob):
     116                 :      296160 :   m_case_label_expr (case_label_expr), m_case_bb (case_bb), m_prob (prob),
     117                 :      296160 :   m_subtree_prob (subtree_prob),
     118                 :      296160 :   m_default_prob (profile_probability::uninitialized ())
     119                 :             : {
     120                 :             : }
     121                 :             : 
     122                 :             : /* Subclass of cluster representing a simple contiguous range
     123                 :             :    from [low..high].  */
     124                 :             : 
     125                 :             : class simple_cluster: public cluster
     126                 :             : {
     127                 :             : public:
     128                 :             :   /* Constructor.  */
     129                 :             :   inline simple_cluster (tree low, tree high, tree case_label_expr,
     130                 :             :                          basic_block case_bb, profile_probability prob,
     131                 :             :                          bool has_forward_bb = false);
     132                 :             : 
     133                 :             :   /* Destructor.  */
     134                 :      296160 :   ~simple_cluster ()
     135                 :      296160 :   {}
     136                 :             : 
     137                 :             :   cluster_type
     138                 :      560871 :   get_type () final override
     139                 :             :   {
     140                 :      560871 :     return SIMPLE_CASE;
     141                 :             :   }
     142                 :             : 
     143                 :             :   tree
     144                 :     6128368 :   get_low () final override
     145                 :             :   {
     146                 :      125300 :     return m_low;
     147                 :             :   }
     148                 :             : 
     149                 :             :   tree
     150                 :     6023774 :   get_high () final override
     151                 :             :   {
     152                 :      318007 :     return m_high;
     153                 :             :   }
     154                 :             : 
     155                 :        1181 :   void set_high (tree high)
     156                 :             :   {
     157                 :        1181 :     m_high = high;
     158                 :             :   }
     159                 :             : 
     160                 :             :   void
     161                 :           0 :   debug () final override
     162                 :             :   {
     163                 :           0 :     dump (stderr);
     164                 :           0 :   }
     165                 :             : 
     166                 :             :   void
     167                 :         130 :   dump (FILE *f, bool details ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED = false) final override
     168                 :             :   {
     169                 :         130 :     PRINT_CASE (f, get_low ());
     170                 :         130 :     if (get_low () != get_high ())
     171                 :             :       {
     172                 :           8 :         fprintf (f, "-");
     173                 :           8 :         PRINT_CASE (f, get_high ());
     174                 :             :       }
     175                 :         130 :     fprintf (f, " ");
     176                 :         130 :   }
     177                 :             : 
     178                 :           0 :   void emit (tree, tree, tree, basic_block, location_t) final override
     179                 :             :   {
     180                 :           0 :     gcc_unreachable ();
     181                 :             :   }
     182                 :             : 
     183                 :      155479 :   bool is_single_value_p () final override
     184                 :             :   {
     185                 :      155479 :     return tree_int_cst_equal (get_low (), get_high ());
     186                 :             :   }
     187                 :             : 
     188                 :             :   /* Return number of comparisons needed for the case.  */
     189                 :             :   unsigned
     190                 :    13551749 :   get_comparison_count ()
     191                 :             :   {
     192                 :    13551749 :     return m_range_p ? 2 : 1;
     193                 :             :   }
     194                 :             : 
     195                 :             :   /* Low value of the case.  */
     196                 :             :   tree m_low;
     197                 :             : 
     198                 :             :   /* High value of the case.  */
     199                 :             :   tree m_high;
     200                 :             : 
     201                 :             :   /* True if case is a range.  */
     202                 :             :   bool m_range_p;
     203                 :             : 
     204                 :             :   /* True if the case will use a forwarder BB.  */
     205                 :             :   bool m_has_forward_bb;
     206                 :             : };
     207                 :             : 
     208                 :      296160 : simple_cluster::simple_cluster (tree low, tree high, tree case_label_expr,
     209                 :             :                                 basic_block case_bb, profile_probability prob,
     210                 :      296160 :                                 bool has_forward_bb):
     211                 :             :   cluster (case_label_expr, case_bb, prob, prob),
     212                 :      296160 :   m_low (low), m_high (high), m_has_forward_bb (has_forward_bb)
     213                 :             : {
     214                 :      296160 :   m_range_p = m_high != NULL;
     215                 :      296160 :   if (m_high == NULL)
     216                 :      209132 :     m_high = m_low;
     217                 :      296160 : }
     218                 :             : 
     219                 :             : /* Abstract subclass of jump table and bit test cluster,
     220                 :             :    handling a collection of simple_cluster instances.  */
     221                 :             : 
     222                 :             : class group_cluster: public cluster
     223                 :             : {
     224                 :             : public:
     225                 :             :   /* Constructor.  */
     226                 :             :   group_cluster (vec<cluster *> &clusters, unsigned start, unsigned end);
     227                 :             : 
     228                 :             :   /* Destructor.  */
     229                 :             :   ~group_cluster ();
     230                 :             : 
     231                 :             :   tree
     232                 :       11499 :   get_low () final override
     233                 :             :   {
     234                 :       11499 :     return m_cases[0]->get_low ();
     235                 :             :   }
     236                 :             : 
     237                 :             :   tree
     238                 :       11499 :   get_high () final override
     239                 :             :   {
     240                 :       22998 :     return m_cases[m_cases.length () - 1]->get_high ();
     241                 :             :   }
     242                 :             : 
     243                 :             :   void
     244                 :           0 :   debug () final override
     245                 :             :   {
     246                 :           0 :     dump (stderr);
     247                 :           0 :   }
     248                 :             : 
     249                 :             :   void dump (FILE *f, bool details = false) final override;
     250                 :             : 
     251                 :             :   /* List of simple clusters handled by the group.  */
     252                 :             :   vec<simple_cluster *> m_cases;
     253                 :             : };
     254                 :             : 
     255                 :             : /* Concrete subclass of group_cluster representing a collection
     256                 :             :    of cases to be implemented as a jump table.
     257                 :             :    The "emit" vfunc generates a nested switch statement which
     258                 :             :    is later lowered to a jump table.  */
     259                 :             : 
     260                 :             : class jump_table_cluster: public group_cluster
     261                 :             : {
     262                 :             : public:
     263                 :             :   /* Constructor.  */
     264                 :        6536 :   jump_table_cluster (vec<cluster *> &clusters, unsigned start, unsigned end)
     265                 :        6536 :   : group_cluster (clusters, start, end)
     266                 :             :   {}
     267                 :             : 
     268                 :             :   cluster_type
     269                 :       12694 :   get_type () final override
     270                 :             :   {
     271                 :       12694 :     return JUMP_TABLE;
     272                 :             :   }
     273                 :             : 
     274                 :             :   void emit (tree index_expr, tree index_type,
     275                 :             :              tree default_label_expr, basic_block default_bb, location_t loc)
     276                 :             :     final override;
     277                 :             : 
     278                 :             :   /* Find jump tables of given CLUSTERS, where all members of the vector
     279                 :             :      are of type simple_cluster.  New clusters are returned.  */
     280                 :             :   static vec<cluster *> find_jump_tables (vec<cluster *> &clusters);
     281                 :             : 
     282                 :             :   /* Return true when cluster starting at START and ending at END (inclusive)
     283                 :             :      can build a jump-table.  COMPARISON_COUNT is number of comparison
     284                 :             :      operations needed if the clusters are expanded as decision tree.
     285                 :             :      MAX_RATIO tells about the maximum code growth (in percent).  */
     286                 :             :   static bool can_be_handled (const vec<cluster *> &clusters, unsigned start,
     287                 :             :                               unsigned end, unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT max_ratio,
     288                 :             :                               unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT comparison_count);
     289                 :             : 
     290                 :             :   /* Return true if cluster starting at START and ending at END (inclusive)
     291                 :             :      is profitable transformation.  */
     292                 :             :   static bool is_beneficial (const vec<cluster *> &clusters, unsigned start,
     293                 :             :                              unsigned end);
     294                 :             : 
     295                 :             :   /* Return the smallest number of different values for which it is best
     296                 :             :      to use a jump-table instead of a tree of conditional branches.  */
     297                 :             :   static inline unsigned int case_values_threshold (void);
     298                 :             : 
     299                 :             :   /* Return whether jump table expansion is allowed.  */
     300                 :             :   static inline bool is_enabled (void);
     301                 :             : };
     302                 :             : 
     303                 :             : /* A GIMPLE switch statement can be expanded to a short sequence of bit-wise
     304                 :             : comparisons.  "switch(x)" is converted into "if ((1 << (x-MINVAL)) & CST)"
     305                 :             : where CST and MINVAL are integer constants.  This is better than a series
     306                 :             : of compare-and-branch insns in some cases,  e.g. we can implement:
     307                 :             : 
     308                 :             :         if ((x==4) || (x==6) || (x==9) || (x==11))
     309                 :             : 
     310                 :             : as a single bit test:
     311                 :             : 
     312                 :             :         if ((1<<x) & ((1<<4)|(1<<6)|(1<<9)|(1<<11)))
     313                 :             : 
     314                 :             : This transformation is only applied if the number of case targets is small,
     315                 :             : if CST constains at least 3 bits, and "1 << x" is cheap.  The bit tests are
     316                 :             : performed in "word_mode".
     317                 :             : 
     318                 :             : The following example shows the code the transformation generates:
     319                 :             : 
     320                 :             :         int bar(int x)
     321                 :             :         {
     322                 :             :                 switch (x)
     323                 :             :                 {
     324                 :             :                 case '0':  case '1':  case '2':  case '3':  case '4':
     325                 :             :                 case '5':  case '6':  case '7':  case '8':  case '9':
     326                 :             :                 case 'A':  case 'B':  case 'C':  case 'D':  case 'E':
     327                 :             :                 case 'F':
     328                 :             :                         return 1;
     329                 :             :                 }
     330                 :             :                 return 0;
     331                 :             :         }
     332                 :             : 
     333                 :             : ==>
     334                 :             : 
     335                 :             :         bar (int x)
     336                 :             :         {
     337                 :             :                 tmp1 = x - 48;
     338                 :             :                 if (tmp1 > (70 - 48)) goto L2;
     339                 :             :                 tmp2 = 1 << tmp1;
     340                 :             :                 tmp3 = 0b11111100000001111111111;
     341                 :             :                 if ((tmp2 & tmp3) != 0) goto L1 ; else goto L2;
     342                 :             :         L1:
     343                 :             :                 return 1;
     344                 :             :         L2:
     345                 :             :                 return 0;
     346                 :             :         }
     347                 :             : 
     348                 :             : TODO: There are still some improvements to this transformation that could
     349                 :             : be implemented:
     350                 :             : 
     351                 :             : * A narrower mode than word_mode could be used if that is cheaper, e.g.
     352                 :             :   for x86_64 where a narrower-mode shift may result in smaller code.
     353                 :             : 
     354                 :             : * The compounded constant could be shifted rather than the one.  The
     355                 :             :   test would be either on the sign bit or on the least significant bit,
     356                 :             :   depending on the direction of the shift.  On some machines, the test
     357                 :             :   for the branch would be free if the bit to test is already set by the
     358                 :             :   shift operation.
     359                 :             : 
     360                 :             : This transformation was contributed by Roger Sayle, see this e-mail:
     361                 :             :
     362                 :             : */
     363                 :             : 
     364                 :             : class bit_test_cluster: public group_cluster
     365                 :             : {
     366                 :             : public:
     367                 :             :   /* Constructor.  */
     368                 :        4375 :   bit_test_cluster (vec<cluster *> &clusters, unsigned start, unsigned end,
     369                 :             :                     bool handles_entire_switch)
     370                 :        4375 :   :group_cluster (clusters, start, end),
     371                 :        4375 :   m_handles_entire_switch (handles_entire_switch)
     372                 :             :   {}
     373                 :             : 
     374                 :             :   cluster_type
     375                 :       12635 :   get_type () final override
     376                 :             :   {
     377                 :       12635 :     return BIT_TEST;
     378                 :             :   }
     379                 :             : 
     380                 :             : /*  Expand a switch statement by a short sequence of bit-wise
     381                 :             :     comparisons.  "switch(x)" is effectively converted into
     382                 :             :     "if ((1 << (x-MINVAL)) & CST)" where CST and MINVAL are
     383                 :             :     integer constants.
     384                 :             : 
     385                 :             :     INDEX_EXPR is the value being switched on.
     386                 :             : 
     387                 :             :     MINVAL is the lowest case value of in the case nodes,
     388                 :             :     and RANGE is highest value minus MINVAL.  MINVAL and RANGE
     389                 :             :     are not guaranteed to be of the same type as INDEX_EXPR
     390                 :             :     (the gimplifier doesn't change the type of case label values,
     391                 :             :     and MINVAL and RANGE are derived from those values).
     392                 :             :     MAXVAL is MINVAL + RANGE.
     393                 :             : 
     394                 :             :     There *MUST* be max_case_bit_tests or less unique case
     395                 :             :     node targets.  */
     396                 :             :   void emit (tree index_expr, tree index_type,
     397                 :             :              tree default_label_expr, basic_block default_bb, location_t loc)
     398                 :             :      final override;
     399                 :             : 
     400                 :             :   /* Find bit tests of given CLUSTERS, where all members of the vector are of
     401                 :             :      type simple_cluster.  Use a fast algorithm that might not find the optimal
     402                 :             :      solution (minimal number of clusters on the output).  New clusters are
     403                 :             :      returned.
     404                 :             : 
     405                 :             :      You should call find_bit_tests () instead of calling this function
     406                 :             :      directly.  */
     407                 :             :   static vec<cluster *> find_bit_tests_fast (vec<cluster *> &clusters);
     408                 :             : 
     409                 :             :   /* Find bit tests of given CLUSTERS, where all members of the vector
     410                 :             :      are of type simple_cluster.  Use a slow (quadratic) algorithm that always
     411                 :             :      finds the optimal solution (minimal number of clusters on the output).  New
     412                 :             :      clusters are returned.
     413                 :             : 
     414                 :             :      You should call find_bit_tests () instead of calling this function
     415                 :             :      directly.  */
     416                 :             :   static vec<cluster *> find_bit_tests_slow (vec<cluster *> &clusters);
     417                 :             : 
     418                 :             :   /* Find bit tests of given CLUSTERS, where all members of the vector
     419                 :             :      are of type simple_cluster.  New clusters are returned.  */
     420                 :             :   static vec<cluster *> find_bit_tests (vec<cluster *> &clusters, int max_c);
     421                 :             : 
     422                 :             :   /* Return true when RANGE of case values with UNIQ labels
     423                 :             :      can build a bit test.  */
     424                 :             :   static bool can_be_handled (unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT range, unsigned uniq);
     425                 :             : 
     426                 :             :   /* Return true when cluster starting at START and ending at END (inclusive)
     427                 :             :      can build a bit test.  */
     428                 :             :   static bool can_be_handled (const vec<cluster *> &clusters, unsigned start,
     429                 :             :                               unsigned end);
     430                 :             : 
     431                 :             :   /* Return true when COUNT of cases of UNIQ labels is beneficial for bit test
     432                 :             :      transformation.  */
     433                 :             :   static bool is_beneficial (unsigned count, unsigned uniq);
     434                 :             : 
     435                 :             :   /* Return true if cluster starting at START and ending at END (inclusive)
     436                 :             :      is profitable transformation.  */
     437                 :             :   static bool is_beneficial (const vec<cluster *> &clusters, unsigned start,
     438                 :             :                              unsigned end);
     439                 :             : 
     440                 :             : /* Split the basic block at the statement pointed to by GSIP, and insert
     441                 :             :    a branch to the target basic block of E_TRUE conditional on tree
     442                 :             :    expression COND.
     443                 :             : 
     444                 :             :    It is assumed that there is already an edge from the to-be-split
     445                 :             :    basic block to E_TRUE->dest block.  This edge is removed, and the
     446                 :             :    profile information on the edge is re-used for the new conditional
     447                 :             :    jump.
     448                 :             : 
     449                 :             :    The CFG is updated.  The dominator tree will not be valid after
     450                 :             :    this transformation, but the immediate dominators are updated if
     451                 :             :    UPDATE_DOMINATORS is true.
     452                 :             : 
     453                 :             :    Returns the newly created basic block.  */
     454                 :             :   static basic_block hoist_edge_and_branch_if_true (gimple_stmt_iterator *gsip,
     455                 :             :                                                     tree cond,
     456                 :             :                                                     basic_block case_bb,
     457                 :             :                                                     profile_probability prob,
     458                 :             :                                                     location_t);
     459                 :             : 
     460                 :             :   /* Return whether bit test expansion is allowed.  */
     461                 :       68021 :   static inline bool is_enabled (void)
     462                 :             :   {
     463                 :       68021 :     return flag_bit_tests;
     464                 :             :   }
     465                 :             : 
     466                 :             :   /* True when the jump table handles an entire switch statement.  */
     467                 :             :   bool m_handles_entire_switch;
     468                 :             : 
     469                 :             :   /* Maximum number of different basic blocks that can be handled by
     470                 :             :      a bit test.  */
     471                 :             :   static const int m_max_case_bit_tests = 3;
     472                 :             : };
     473                 :             : 
     474                 :             : /* Helper struct to find minimal clusters.  */
     475                 :             : 
     476                 :             : class min_cluster_item
     477                 :             : {
     478                 :             : public:
     479                 :             :   /* Constructor.  */
     480                 :      298590 :   min_cluster_item (unsigned count, unsigned start, unsigned non_jt_cases):
     481                 :      378650 :     m_count (count), m_start (start), m_non_jt_cases (non_jt_cases)
     482                 :             :   {}
     483                 :             : 
     484                 :             :   /* Count of clusters.  */
     485                 :             :   unsigned m_count;
     486                 :             : 
     487                 :             :   /* Index where is cluster boundary.  */
     488                 :             :   unsigned m_start;
     489                 :             : 
     490                 :             :   /* Total number of cases that will not be in a jump table.  */
     491                 :             :   unsigned m_non_jt_cases;
     492                 :             : };
     493                 :             : 
     494                 :             : /* Helper struct to represent switch decision tree.  */
     495                 :             : 
     496                 :             : class case_tree_node
     497                 :             : {
     498                 :             : public:
     499                 :             :   /* Empty Constructor.  */
     500                 :             :   case_tree_node ();
     501                 :             : 
     502                 :             :   /* Return true when it has a child.  */
     503                 :      119876 :   bool has_child ()
     504                 :             :   {
     505                 :      119876 :     return m_left != NULL || m_right != NULL;
     506                 :             :   }
     507                 :             : 
     508                 :             :   /* Left son in binary tree.  */
     509                 :             :   case_tree_node *m_left;
     510                 :             : 
     511                 :             :   /* Right son in binary tree; also node chain.  */
     512                 :             :   case_tree_node *m_right;
     513                 :             : 
     514                 :             :   /* Parent of node in binary tree.  */
     515                 :             :   case_tree_node *m_parent;
     516                 :             : 
     517                 :             :   /* Cluster represented by this tree node.  */
     518                 :             :   cluster *m_c;
     519                 :             : };
     520                 :             : 
     521                 :             : inline
     522                 :      163552 : case_tree_node::case_tree_node ():
     523                 :      163552 :   m_left (NULL), m_right (NULL), m_parent (NULL), m_c (NULL)
     524                 :             : {
     525                 :             : }
     526                 :             : 
     527                 :             : unsigned int
     528                 :     6818153 : jump_table_cluster::case_values_threshold (void)
     529                 :             : {
     530                 :     6818153 :   unsigned int threshold = param_case_values_threshold;
     531                 :             : 
     532                 :     6818153 :   if (threshold == 0)
     533                 :     6817775 :     threshold = targetm.case_values_threshold ();
     534                 :             : 
     535                 :     6818153 :   return threshold;
     536                 :             : }
     537                 :             : 
     538                 :             : /* Return whether jump table expansion is allowed.  */
     539                 :     2314307 : bool jump_table_cluster::is_enabled (void)
     540                 :             : {
     541                 :             :   /* If neither casesi or tablejump is available, or flag_jump_tables
     542                 :             :      over-ruled us, we really have no choice.  */
     543                 :     2314307 :   if (!targetm.have_casesi () && !targetm.have_tablejump ())
     544                 :             :     return false;
     545                 :     2314307 :   if (!flag_jump_tables)
     546                 :             :     return false;
     547                 :             : #ifndef ASM_OUTPUT_ADDR_DIFF_ELT
     548                 :             :   if (flag_pic)
     549                 :             :     return false;
     550                 :             : #endif
     551                 :             : 
     552                 :             :   return true;
     553                 :             : }
     554                 :             : 
     555                 :             : /* A case_bit_test represents a set of case nodes that may be
     556                 :             :    selected from using a bit-wise comparison.  HI and LO hold
     557                 :             :    the integer to be tested against, TARGET_EDGE contains the
     558                 :             :    edge to the basic block to jump to upon success and BITS
     559                 :             :    counts the number of case nodes handled by this test,
     560                 :             :    typically the number of bits set in HI:LO.  The LABEL field
     561                 :             :    is used to quickly identify all cases in this set without
     562                 :             :    looking at label_to_block for every case label.  */
     563                 :             : 
     564                 :       10707 : class case_bit_test
     565                 :             : {
     566                 :             : public:
     567                 :             :   wide_int mask;
     568                 :             :   basic_block target_bb;
     569                 :             :   tree label;
     570                 :             :   int bits;
     571                 :             :   profile_probability prob;
     572                 :             : 
     573                 :             :   /* Comparison function for qsort to order bit tests by decreasing
     574                 :             :      probability of execution.  */
     575                 :             :   static int cmp (const void *p1, const void *p2);
     576                 :             : };
     577                 :             : 
     578                 :             : class switch_decision_tree
     579                 :             : {
     580                 :             : public:
     581                 :             :   /* Constructor.  */
     582                 :       42476 :   switch_decision_tree (gswitch *swtch): m_switch (swtch), m_phi_mapping (),
     583                 :       42476 :     m_case_bbs (), m_case_node_pool ("struct case_node pool"),
     584                 :       42476 :     m_case_list (NULL)
     585                 :             :   {
     586                 :       42476 :   }
     587                 :             : 
     588                 :             :   /* Analyze switch statement and return true when the statement is expanded
     589                 :             :      as decision tree.  */
     590                 :             :   bool analyze_switch_statement ();
     591                 :             : 
     592                 :             :   /* Attempt to expand CLUSTERS as a decision tree.  Return true when
     593                 :             :      expanded.  */
     594                 :             :   bool try_switch_expansion (vec<cluster *> &clusters);
     595                 :             :   /* Compute the number of case labels that correspond to each outgoing edge of
     596                 :             :      switch statement.  Record this information in the aux field of the edge.
     597                 :             :      Returns approx max number of cases per edge.
     598                 :             :      */
     599                 :             :   int compute_cases_per_edge ();
     600                 :             : 
     601                 :             :   /* Before switch transformation, record all SSA_NAMEs defined in switch BB
     602                 :             :      and used in a label basic block.  */
     603                 :             :   void record_phi_operand_mapping ();
     604                 :             : 
     605                 :             :   /* Append new operands to PHI statements that were introduced due to
     606                 :             :      addition of new edges to case labels.  */
     607                 :             :   void fix_phi_operands_for_edges ();
     608                 :             : 
     609                 :             :   /* Generate a decision tree, switching on INDEX_EXPR and jumping to
     610                 :             :      one of the labels in CASE_LIST or to the DEFAULT_LABEL.
     611                 :             : 
     612                 :             :      We generate a binary decision tree to select the appropriate target
     613                 :             :      code.  */
     614                 :             :   void emit (basic_block bb, tree index_expr,
     615                 :             :              profile_probability default_prob, tree index_type);
     616                 :             : 
     617                 :             :   /* Emit step-by-step code to select a case for the value of INDEX.
     618                 :             :      The thus generated decision tree follows the form of the
     619                 :             :      case-node binary tree NODE, whose nodes represent test conditions.
     620                 :             :      DEFAULT_PROB is probability of cases leading to default BB.
     621                 :             :      INDEX_TYPE is the type of the index of the switch.  */
     622                 :             :   basic_block emit_case_nodes (basic_block bb, tree index,
     623                 :             :                                case_tree_node *node,
     624                 :             :                                profile_probability default_prob,
     625                 :             :                                tree index_type, location_t);
     626                 :             : 
     627                 :             :   /* Take an ordered list of case nodes
     628                 :             :      and transform them into a near optimal binary tree,
     629                 :             :      on the assumption that any target code selection value is as
     630                 :             :      likely as any other.
     631                 :             : 
     632                 :             :      The transformation is performed by splitting the ordered
     633                 :             :      list into two equal sections plus a pivot.  The parts are
     634                 :             :      then attached to the pivot as left and right branches.  Each
     635                 :             :      branch is then transformed recursively.  */
     636                 :             :   static void balance_case_nodes (case_tree_node **head,
     637                 :             :                                   case_tree_node *parent);
     638                 :             : 
     639                 :             :   /* Dump ROOT, a list or tree of case nodes, to file F.  */
     640                 :             :   static void dump_case_nodes (FILE *f, case_tree_node *root, int indent_step,
     641                 :             :                                int indent_level);
     642                 :             : 
     643                 :             :   /* Add an unconditional jump to CASE_BB that happens in basic block BB.  */
     644                 :             :   static void emit_jump (basic_block bb, basic_block case_bb);
     645                 :             : 
     646                 :             :   /* Generate code to compare OP0 with OP1 so that the condition codes are
     647                 :             :      set and to jump to LABEL_BB if the condition is true.
     648                 :             :      COMPARISON is the GIMPLE comparison (EQ, NE, GT, etc.).
     649                 :             :      PROB is the probability of jumping to LABEL_BB.  */
     650                 :             :   static basic_block emit_cmp_and_jump_insns (basic_block bb, tree op0,
     651                 :             :                                               tree op1, tree_code comparison,
     652                 :             :                                               basic_block label_bb,
     653                 :             :                                               profile_probability prob,
     654                 :             :                                               location_t);
     655                 :             : 
     656                 :             :   /* Generate code to jump to LABEL if OP0 and OP1 are equal in mode MODE.
     657                 :             :      PROB is the probability of jumping to LABEL_BB.  */
     658                 :             :   static basic_block do_jump_if_equal (basic_block bb, tree op0, tree op1,
     659                 :             :                                        basic_block label_bb,
     660                 :             :                                        profile_probability prob,
     661                 :             :                                        location_t);
     662                 :             : 
     663                 :             :   /* Reset the aux field of all outgoing edges of switch basic block.  */
     664                 :             :   static inline void reset_out_edges_aux (gswitch *swtch);
     665                 :             : 
     666                 :             :   /* Switch statement.  */
     667                 :             :   gswitch *m_switch;
     668                 :             : 
     669                 :             :   /* Map of PHI nodes that have to be fixed after expansion.  */
     670                 :             :   hash_map<tree, tree> m_phi_mapping;
     671                 :             : 
     672                 :             :   /* List of basic blocks that belong to labels of the switch.  */
     673                 :             :   auto_vec<basic_block> m_case_bbs;
     674                 :             : 
     675                 :             :   /* Basic block with default label.  */
     676                 :             :   basic_block m_default_bb;
     677                 :             : 
     678                 :             :   /* A pool for case nodes.  */
     679                 :             :   object_allocator<case_tree_node> m_case_node_pool;
     680                 :             : 
     681                 :             :   /* Balanced tree of case nodes.  */
     682                 :             :   case_tree_node *m_case_list;
     683                 :             : };
     684                 :             : 
     685                 :             : /*
     686                 :             :      Switch initialization conversion
     687                 :             : 
     688                 :             : The following pass changes simple initializations of scalars in a switch
     689                 :             : statement into initializations from a static array.  Obviously, the values
     690                 :             : must be constant and known at compile time and a default branch must be
     691                 :             : provided.  For example, the following code:
     692                 :             : 
     693                 :             :         int a,b;
     694                 :             : 
     695                 :             :         switch (argc)
     696                 :             :         {
     697                 :             :          case 1:
     698                 :             :          case 2:
     699                 :             :                 a_1 = 8;
     700                 :             :                 b_1 = 6;
     701                 :             :                 break;
     702                 :             :          case 3:
     703                 :             :                 a_2 = 9;
     704                 :             :                 b_2 = 5;
     705                 :             :                 break;
     706                 :             :          case 12:
     707                 :             :                 a_3 = 10;
     708                 :             :                 b_3 = 4;
     709                 :             :                 break;
     710                 :             :          default:
     711                 :             :                 a_4 = 16;
     712                 :             :                 b_4 = 1;
     713                 :             :                 break;
     714                 :             :         }
     715                 :             :         a_5 = PHI <a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4>
     716                 :             :         b_5 = PHI <b_1, b_2, b_3, b_4>
     717                 :             : 
     718                 :             : 
     719                 :             : is changed into:
     720                 :             : 
     721                 :             :         static const int = CSWTCH01[] = {6, 6, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4};
     722                 :             :         static const int = CSWTCH02[] = {8, 8, 9, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
     723                 :             :                                  16, 16, 10};
     724                 :             : 
     725                 :             :         if (((unsigned) argc) - 1 < 11)
     726                 :             :           {
     727                 :             :             a_6 = CSWTCH02[argc - 1];
     728                 :             :             b_6 = CSWTCH01[argc - 1];
     729                 :             :           }
     730                 :             :         else
     731                 :             :           {
     732                 :             :             a_7 = 16;
     733                 :             :             b_7 = 1;
     734                 :             :           }
     735                 :             :         a_5 = PHI <a_6, a_7>
     736                 :             :         b_b = PHI <b_6, b_7>
     737                 :             : 
     738                 :             : There are further constraints.  Specifically, the range of values across all
     739                 :             : case labels must not be bigger than param_switch_conversion_branch_ratio
     740                 :             : (default eight) times the number of the actual switch branches.
     741                 :             : 
     742                 :             : This transformation was contributed by Martin Jambor, see this e-mail:
     743                 :             :  */
     744                 :             : 
     745                 :             : /* The main structure of the pass.  */
     746                 :             : class switch_conversion
     747                 :             : {
     748                 :             : public:
     749                 :             :   /* Constructor.  */
     750                 :             :   switch_conversion ();
     751                 :             : 
     752                 :             :   /* Destructor.  */
     753                 :             :   ~switch_conversion ();
     754                 :             : 
     755                 :             :   /* The following function is invoked on every switch statement (the current
     756                 :             :      one is given in SWTCH) and runs the individual phases of switch
     757                 :             :      conversion on it one after another until one fails or the conversion
     758                 :             :      is completed.  On success, NULL is in m_reason, otherwise points
     759                 :             :      to a string with the reason why the conversion failed.  */
     760                 :             :   void expand (gswitch *swtch);
     761                 :             : 
     762                 :             :   /* Collection information about SWTCH statement.  */
     763                 :             :   void collect (gswitch *swtch);
     764                 :             : 
     765                 :             :   /* Check that the 'exponential index transform' can be applied.
     766                 :             : 
     767                 :             :      See the comment at the function definition for more details.  */
     768                 :             :   bool is_exp_index_transform_viable (gswitch *swtch);
     769                 :             : 
     770                 :             :   /* Perform the 'exponential index transform'.
     771                 :             : 
     772                 :             :      The exponential index transform shrinks the range of case numbers which
     773                 :             :      helps switch conversion convert switches it otherwise could not.
     774                 :             : 
     775                 :             :      See the comment at the function definition for more details.  */
     776                 :             :   void exp_index_transform (gswitch *swtch);
     777                 :             : 
     778                 :             :   /* Checks whether the range given by individual case statements of the switch
     779                 :             :      switch statement isn't too big and whether the number of branches actually
     780                 :             :      satisfies the size of the new array.  */
     781                 :             :   bool check_range ();
     782                 :             : 
     783                 :             :   /* Checks whether all but the final BB basic blocks are empty.  */
     784                 :             :   bool check_all_empty_except_final ();
     785                 :             : 
     786                 :             :   /* This function checks whether all required values in phi nodes in final_bb
     787                 :             :      are constants.  Required values are those that correspond to a basic block
     788                 :             :      which is a part of the examined switch statement.  It returns true if the
     789                 :             :      phi nodes are OK, otherwise false.  */
     790                 :             :   bool check_final_bb ();
     791                 :             : 
     792                 :             :   /* The following function allocates default_values, target_{in,out}_names and
     793                 :             :      constructors arrays.  The last one is also populated with pointers to
     794                 :             :      vectors that will become constructors of new arrays.  */
     795                 :             :   void create_temp_arrays ();
     796                 :             : 
     797                 :             :   /* Populate the array of default values in the order of phi nodes.
     798                 :             :      DEFAULT_CASE is the CASE_LABEL_EXPR for the default switch branch
     799                 :             :      if the range is non-contiguous or the default case has standard
     800                 :             :      structure, otherwise it is the first non-default case instead.  */
     801                 :             :   void gather_default_values (tree default_case);
     802                 :             : 
     803                 :             :   /* The following function populates the vectors in the constructors array with
     804                 :             :      future contents of the static arrays.  The vectors are populated in the
     805                 :             :      order of phi nodes.  */
     806                 :             :   void build_constructors ();
     807                 :             : 
     808                 :             :   /* If all values in the constructor vector are products of a linear function
     809                 :             :      a * x + b, then return true.  When true, COEFF_A and COEFF_B and
     810                 :             :      coefficients of the linear function.  Note that equal values are special
     811                 :             :      case of a linear function with a and b equal to zero.  */
     812                 :             :   bool contains_linear_function_p (vec<constructor_elt, va_gc> *vec,
     813                 :             :                                    wide_int *coeff_a, wide_int *coeff_b);
     814                 :             : 
     815                 :             :   /* Return type which should be used for array elements, either TYPE's
     816                 :             :      main variant or, for integral types, some smaller integral type
     817                 :             :      that can still hold all the constants.  */
     818                 :             :   tree array_value_type (tree type, int num);
     819                 :             : 
     820                 :             :   /* Create an appropriate array type and declaration and assemble a static
     821                 :             :      array variable.  Also create a load statement that initializes
     822                 :             :      the variable in question with a value from the static array.  SWTCH is
     823                 :             :      the switch statement being converted, NUM is the index to
     824                 :             :      arrays of constructors, default values and target SSA names
     825                 :             :      for this particular array.  ARR_INDEX_TYPE is the type of the index
     826                 :             :      of the new array, PHI is the phi node of the final BB that corresponds
     827                 :             :      to the value that will be loaded from the created array.  TIDX
     828                 :             :      is an ssa name of a temporary variable holding the index for loads from the
     829                 :             :      new array.  */
     830                 :             :   void build_one_array (int num, tree arr_index_type,
     831                 :             :                         gphi *phi, tree tidx);
     832                 :             : 
     833                 :             :   /* Builds and initializes static arrays initialized with values gathered from
     834                 :             :      the switch statement.  Also creates statements that load values from
     835                 :             :      them.  */
     836                 :             :   void build_arrays ();
     837                 :             : 
     838                 :             :   /* Generates and appropriately inserts loads of default values at the position
     839                 :             :      given by GSI.  Returns the last inserted statement.  */
     840                 :             :   gassign *gen_def_assigns (gimple_stmt_iterator *gsi);
     841                 :             : 
     842                 :             :   /* Deletes the unused bbs and edges that now contain the switch statement and
     843                 :             :      its empty branch bbs.  BBD is the now dead BB containing
     844                 :             :      the original switch statement, FINAL is the last BB of the converted
     845                 :             :      switch statement (in terms of succession).  */
     846                 :             :   void prune_bbs (basic_block bbd, basic_block final, basic_block default_bb);
     847                 :             : 
     848                 :             :   /* Add values to phi nodes in final_bb for the two new edges.  E1F is the edge
     849                 :             :      from the basic block loading values from an array and E2F from the basic
     850                 :             :      block loading default values.  BBF is the last switch basic block (see the
     851                 :             :      bbf description in the comment below).  */
     852                 :             :   void fix_phi_nodes (edge e1f, edge e2f, basic_block bbf);
     853                 :             : 
     854                 :             :   /* Creates a check whether the switch expression value actually falls into the
     855                 :             :      range given by all the cases.  If it does not, the temporaries are loaded
     856                 :             :      with default values instead.  */
     857                 :             :   void gen_inbound_check ();
     858                 :             : 
     859                 :             :   /* Switch statement for which switch conversion takes place.  */
     860                 :             :   gswitch *m_switch;
     861                 :             : 
     862                 :             :   /* The expression used to decide the switch branch.  */
     863                 :             :   tree m_index_expr;
     864                 :             : 
     865                 :             :   /* The following integer constants store the minimum and maximum value
     866                 :             :      covered by the case labels.  */
     867                 :             :   tree m_range_min;
     868                 :             :   tree m_range_max;
     869                 :             : 
     870                 :             :   /* The difference between the above two numbers.  Stored here because it
     871                 :             :      is used in all the conversion heuristics, as well as for some of the
     872                 :             :      transformation, and it is expensive to re-compute it all the time.  */
     873                 :             :   tree m_range_size;
     874                 :             : 
     875                 :             :   /* Basic block that contains the actual GIMPLE_SWITCH.  */
     876                 :             :   basic_block m_switch_bb;
     877                 :             : 
     878                 :             :   /* Basic block that is the target of the default case.  */
     879                 :             :   basic_block m_default_bb;
     880                 :             : 
     881                 :             :   /* The single successor block of all branches out of the GIMPLE_SWITCH,
     882                 :             :      if such a block exists.  Otherwise NULL.  */
     883                 :             :   basic_block m_final_bb;
     884                 :             : 
     885                 :             :   /* The probability of the default edge in the replaced switch.  */
     886                 :             :   profile_probability m_default_prob;
     887                 :             : 
     888                 :             :   /* Number of phi nodes in the final bb (that we'll be replacing).  */
     889                 :             :   int m_phi_count;
     890                 :             : 
     891                 :             :   /* Constructors of new static arrays.  */
     892                 :             :   vec<constructor_elt, va_gc> **m_constructors;
     893                 :             : 
     894                 :             :   /* Array of default values, in the same order as phi nodes.  */
     895                 :             :   tree *m_default_values;
     896                 :             : 
     897                 :             :   /* Array of ssa names that are initialized with a value from a new static
     898                 :             :      array.  */
     899                 :             :   tree *m_target_inbound_names;
     900                 :             : 
     901                 :             :   /* Array of ssa names that are initialized with the default value if the
     902                 :             :      switch expression is out of range.  */
     903                 :             :   tree *m_target_outbound_names;
     904                 :             : 
     905                 :             :   /* VOP SSA_NAME.  */
     906                 :             :   tree m_target_vop;
     907                 :             : 
     908                 :             :   /* The first load statement that loads a temporary from a new static array.
     909                 :             :    */
     910                 :             :   gimple *m_arr_ref_first;
     911                 :             : 
     912                 :             :   /* The last load statement that loads a temporary from a new static array.  */
     913                 :             :   gimple *m_arr_ref_last;
     914                 :             : 
     915                 :             :   /* String reason why the case wasn't a good candidate that is written to the
     916                 :             :      dump file, if there is one.  */
     917                 :             :   const char *m_reason;
     918                 :             : 
     919                 :             :   /* True if default case is not used for any value between range_min and
     920                 :             :      range_max inclusive.  */
     921                 :             :   bool m_contiguous_range;
     922                 :             : 
     923                 :             :   /* True if default case does not have the required shape for other case
     924                 :             :      labels.  */
     925                 :             :   bool m_default_case_nonstandard;
     926                 :             : 
     927                 :             :   /* Number of uniq labels for non-default edges.  */
     928                 :             :   unsigned int m_uniq;
     929                 :             : 
     930                 :             :   /* Count is number of non-default edges.  */
     931                 :             :   unsigned int m_count;
     932                 :             : 
     933                 :             :   /* True if CFG has been changed.  */
     934                 :             :   bool m_cfg_altered;
     935                 :             : 
     936                 :             :   /* True if exponential index transform has been applied.  See the comment at
     937                 :             :      the definition of exp_index_transform for details about the
     938                 :             :      transformation.  */
     939                 :             :   bool m_exp_index_transform_applied;
     940                 :             : 
     941                 :             :   /* If switch conversion decided exponential index transform is viable, here
     942                 :             :      will be stored the type to which index variable has to be converted
     943                 :             :      before the logarithm operation which is a part of the transform.  */
     944                 :             :   tree m_exp_index_transform_log2_type;
     945                 :             : };
     946                 :             : 
     947                 :             : void
     948                 :       90864 : switch_decision_tree::reset_out_edges_aux (gswitch *swtch)
     949                 :             : {
     950                 :       90864 :   basic_block bb = gimple_bb (swtch);
     951                 :       90864 :   edge e;
     952                 :       90864 :   edge_iterator ei;
     953                 :      624919 :   FOR_EACH_EDGE (e, ei, bb->succs)
     954                 :      534055 :     e->aux = (void *) 0;
     955                 :       90864 : }
     956                 :             : 
     957                 :             : /* Release CLUSTERS vector and destruct all dynamically allocated items.  */
     958                 :             : 
     959                 :             : inline void
     960                 :       65656 : release_clusters (vec<cluster *> &clusters)
     961                 :             : {
     962                 :      277539 :   for (unsigned i = 0; i < clusters.length (); i++)
     963                 :      211883 :     delete clusters[i];
     964                 :       65656 :   clusters.release ();
     965                 :       65656 : }
     966                 :             : 
     967                 :             : } // tree_switch_conversion namespace
     968                 :             : 
     969                 :             : #endif // TREE_SWITCH_CONVERSION_H

Generated by: LCOV version 2.1-beta

LCOV profile is generated on x86_64 machine using following configure options: configure --disable-bootstrap --enable-coverage=opt --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,go,jit,lto,rust,m2 --enable-host-shared. GCC test suite is run with the built compiler.