GCC Middle and Back End API Reference
poly_coeff_traiits<T> describes the properties of a poly_int coefficient type T: - poly_coeff_traits<T1>::rank is less than poly_coeff_traits<T2>::rank if T1 can promote to T2. For C-like types the rank is: (2 * number of bytes) + (unsigned ? 1 : 0) wide_ints don't have a normal rank and so use a value of INT_MAX. Any fixed-width integer should be promoted to wide_int if possible and lead to an error otherwise. - poly_coeff_traits<T>::int_type is the type to which an integer literal should be cast before comparing it with T. - poly_coeff_traits<T>::precision is the number of bits that T can hold. - poly_coeff_traits<T>::signedness is: 0 if T is unsigned 1 if T is signed -1 if T has no inherent sign (as for wide_int). - poly_coeff_traits<T>::max_value, if defined, is the maximum value of T. - poly_coeff_traits<T>::result is a type that can hold results of operations on T. This is different from T itself in cases where T is the result of an accessor like wi::to_offset. - poly_coeff_traits<T>::init_cast<Arg>::type is the type to which an argument of type Arg should be casted before being used to initialize a coefficient of type T.